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Woopity Doo!

Is Adam Sandler funny? Short answer is yes. I don't think there is anyone among us that did not like, and can't quote incessantly, Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore. Unless you are a communist, of course. But, honestly, why do I keep watching his movies? With a few exceptions, I can sum up the plot of any of his films as follows: Generally good hearted buffoon placed in an odd situation that he tries to get a handle on, while trying to woo a woman. Even the better of his films follow that basic recipe. It's like Mexican food. You can order 11 different items, but they all have the same stuff in them. Yet I continue to consume. I can't even really apply the Weekend at Bernie's Effect here, because while he does have some watchable films (Wedding Singer, Punch Drunk Love, Funny People), I cannot watch some of his others (Little Nicky, The Waterboy, Spanglish). When he was on Saturday Night Live, he was hilarious. The Denise Show, Canteen Boy, The Gap Girls. Basically what I think he is doing for the most part, is having fun making movies with his friends, and there will always be a demographic that appreciates loud voices, mildly suggestive language, and the word meatball (if you watch a few of his movies, you will hear that word, or a reference to meatballs somewhere. Meatball was the name of a dog he had that died). I on the other hand, would probably want to have a more memorable dent in the film industry with a resume a long as his.


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