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Tiger Sharks Were Chumps

I came across this You Tube video while trying to find info on a Thundercats movie. While I cannot validate that it is real, it seems to have Vin Diesel as Panthro and what appears to be Posh Spice as Cheetara. It also says that is will be out in 2009, so decide for yourself. In that video, Lion-O does seem to be voiced by Larry Kenney from the cartoon, but I cannot tell if it is physically him in that get up. I do, however vow to you this: if Vin Diesel is in that movie, I will punch an immigrant. And did you see Snarf? Did someone just superimpose a drawing over the film for God's sake? Now, I also found that alternatively, the movie will be CGI and out in 2010. Note the date on that post is 2007. I cannot find any real recent info (I will admit I got as far as page 3 of the search results, so if there is decent info beyond that, my bad).

Thundercats was badass. My favorite episodes were the Lion-O Anoitment episodes. There were 5 of them and he had to challenge the others against their own talents (Cheetara's speed, Pantro's strength) to earn his rank as Lord of the Thundercats. Shit, I even liked some of the gay, copycat shows, like Silverhawks and Tiger Sharks. Well, I don't know about "like" and "Tiger Sharks," but I bet you liked hearing that song, didn't you?
Thundercats better be loose, and soon.


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