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Kevin Smith Just Won't Go Away

Much to my chagrin, I tabulated Kevin Smith's major film ratings via Rotten Tomatoes and was quite surprised. On the site where the cut-off between "fresh" and "rotten" is 60%, Smith's films average 57.82%.

Initially I chalked it up to the super high ratings for Chasing Amy and Clerks at 88% each but even just looking at his past fifteen year output gives us 48% Who are these people watching and reviewing and giving high scores to these Kevin Smith movies?

At best, the collective internet reaction to a new Kevin Smith movie, such as today's confirmation that Smith is making a Mallrats 2 for ... I'm sure valiant reasons, is a collective 'meh.' Even the long-gestating Clerks III has the internet upswell of an Antiques Roadshow revival.

Considering that 2010's Silent Bob is likely far more successful and not making Cop Out 2, many would prefer he stuck to his weekly "reality" show and the 38 weekly podcasts. And even if the now sketchy figures from Rotten Tomatoes doesn't support that, I do.

Stop making movies, Kevin Smith!


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