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Virgin Diaries: The Breakfast Club

Born in 1982, I was technically alive in a great era of many genres ranging from the cheap slasher movie explosion of the 80s to all the teen movies made by or inspired by John Hughes and his movie-making machine. Much to the chagrin of PBF though, there are several staples of the decade that I haven't yet seen. This is one of the movies. High school is an interesting time for anyone. For most, you are thrown together for eight hours a day with a diverse group of people that you would never otherwise associate with. Some of these people you end up bonding with, others you wish would die in a fire at your earliest convenience. You are all held together by a common set of arbitrary rules and controls dictated by people who literally seem to hate your very existence. The Breakfast Club almost perfectly embodies these typical frustrations of an adolescent during four years of their life. At the start of the film you have the five food groups of a high school: jocks, freaks, nerds,

Random Movie: Jesus' Son (1999)

No one has ever heard of the movie Jesus' Son when I ask them about it. I myself, saw it by happenstance. I was flipping through the guide on the cable box and saw the synopsis for this film. It listed Frank Black (lead singer of the Pixies) as being in it. Having never seen Frank Black in a movie I turned it on. Turns out it was a misprint, and it was in fact Jack Black. However, what I found was quite an interesting film. Billy Crudup plays a character listed as FH, or Fuck Head. He narrates the story, which starts in the middle, backs up and then cathes up with itself around the real middle of the film. A large chunk of it deals with his heroin addiction (the title of the movie comes from a line in Lou Reed's song "Heroin") but the movie is really more than that. We watch a journey through life, as FH deals with whatever he encounters, and how he moves from one thing to the next. The movie is actually quite nicely directed. At some points during the narration, i

What's the Draw of 3D?

History certainly seems to repeat itself. Films in 3D have been around for a while but seem to have peaks and valleys in their popularity. With the last burst of 3D cinema occurring close to thirty years ago (perhaps it follows the remake timeline ), more films recently have been released relying on the concept of adding that extra dimension to movies. With James Cameron's much publicized Avatar set to drop later this month, 3D films could be facing a huge resurgence depending on this film's success. But my question stems from an article quoting James Gianopulos, the CEO of Fox who was overseeing the production of Avatar: "As Jim says, we experience the world in 3D, why should we experience film any different?" Having only seen one film in theaters with 3D segments (for the record, that was the terrible Freddy's Dead ), I can't really speak for how well depth perception is really conveyed. My questions are, if films have been shot in regular 2D for de

Make This Movie: Resident Evil 4

While I fully realize that a fourth movie adaptation to the popular video game franchise is in the works, I would love to see a movie based on the events of the fourth video game. In RE4 as the cool kids call it, Leon Kennedy is sent to a quaint European village to rescue the stupid daughter of the United States President. He encounters there cult members who have had their bodies taken over by a parasite of some kind and who will stop at nothing to kill Leon before he rescues the damsel in distress. Many hi-jinks ensue with Leon battling chainsaw-wielding maniacs, big baddies in lakes and castles, and some creepy guy trying to sell things in dark alleys. While it has been a while since I've last played the game, that's about the gist of the story. And it's fan-freakin-tastic. Playing the game, I thought how cool would it be for a zombie movie (or any horror movie in general) to capture the atmosphere and mood of this game. At any time, around any corner could be some

Make Them Die Slowly!

I realize that we are all somewhat desensitized to violence and horror today. I mean, what would scare the bejesus out of someone 10-15 years ago in a movie has probably been shown on Sesame Street by now. There are a few films that, while they do not "scare" me, they are classic, gore trash, that I love. Here is a small list of them, so that you may find them for yourself and enjoy. 1. Tombs of the Blind Dead. This is Spanish (Portugal) with subtitles. There is a bit of a creepiness to it, but it is just good cheeseball horror. It is not as gory as some others on this list, but there is some people eating. Something kind of funny about blind templars wandering around until they bump into someone and then eat them. 2. Cannibal Ferox. Italian. Oh my. This is so fucking hilarious. Basically, there are the some college kids and a coked up professor. They stumble upon a tribe of cannibals. This movie is sick. I mean, member of tribe cuts penis off and eats it. Need I say mo

Where Are My DVDs?

So, DVDs have been around for over ten years, yet there are still films that were released long ago on VHS that have yet to see the day on DVD. Now, I have lived this long without, but it irritates me that there are still pockets of unrecognized films without proper representation on the digital standard (no, I'm not counting Blu-Ray at this point). While it was lauded as a groundbreaking "meta" film at the time, some of the luster has worn off Wes Craven's Scream . However, it is still a highly entertaining exercise in understanding Kevin Williamson's highly unrealistic teenage dialect wrapped in a pretty decent slasher film. While this film has been on DVD for some time, it is not anamorphic so it looks like crap on my TV in stretch-o-vision and it is even the version trimmed down to appease the dolts at the MPAA. If Paramount can release Event Horizon on DVD three times , surely Dimension can throw a few dollars toward a decent, uncut release of this "

Are You Ready For Freddy?

Here is a link that you must click . Only play that video. Do not click any of the other tabs like "Freddy Krueger" and watch those videos. Shitty music tributes. But that one is tight, right? Badass! Well, forget about that, that is not a trailer for the real movie. In case you did not know, there is a remake, or reboot, or possible rape of A Nightmare On Elm Street due to be released in 2010. That trailer you watched is by Christopher Johnson , an actor, writer, and producer, although most of his work seems to be in visual effects. He apparently is so excited about the new movie that he made that trailer. I was let down a bit after finding out that it wasn't for the real movie. However, after watching one , I did feel a little better. Right off, it looks pretty damn frightening.

Terminator Salvation: Review

After watching Terminator Salvation , I was reminded of a skit that was basically a parody of dating services that used to play on MadTV called "Lowered Expectations." It's always frustrating to sit down to see a movie you've heard countless great things about only to be disappointed. Currently enjoying a rather deplorable 32% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes, Salvation didn't have a whole lot going for it as I sat down and pressed play. While not the pinnacle of the Terminator franchise by any stretch, Salvation certainly was not the worst either. John Connor, now played by Christian Bale , still stuck in his gravely Batman voice, is joined by some new and old friends as he attempts to lead a small band of nuclear holocaust survivors against their machinist overlords. The funny thing about this film is that while the first three in the series focused on the Connor family in their dealings with their pending fate, this film turns more to Marcus Wright, played by

Tiger Sharks Were Chumps

I came across this You Tube video while trying to find info on a Thundercats movie. While I cannot validate that it is real, it seems to have Vin Diesel as Panthro and what appears to be Posh Spice as Cheetara. It also says that is will be out in 2009, so decide for yourself. In that video, Lion-O does seem to be voiced by Larry Kenney from the cartoon, but I cannot tell if it is physically him in that get up. I do, however vow to you this: if Vin Diesel is in that movie, I will punch an immigrant. And did you see Snarf? Did someone just superimpose a drawing over the film for God's sake? Now, I also found that alternatively, the movie will be CGI and out in 2010 . Note the date on that post is 2007. I cannot find any real recent info (I will admit I got as far as page 3 of the search results, so if there is decent info beyond that, my bad). Thundercats was badass. My favorite episodes were the Lion-O Anoitment episodes. There were 5 of them and he had to challenge the others aga

News Roundup: 12/3/09

The First Official Images from 'Sex and the City 2' We still have no sequel to Ghostbusters and no progress on a feature film of Arrested Development but we do have a sequel to a movie that made men all over America cringe. Bravo, Hollywood. Welcome Back to 'Zombieland'...In 3D! Sadly, I did not get to see Zombieland in theaters but from all I have heard about it, a sequel in 3D is going to be awesome! Cast Announced for 'Night of the Living Dead: Origins' More zombies! Although, with the exception of Danielle Harris, I can't find one good thing about another g-d remake/sequel/whatever to the original Night. Pick a different public domain movie to shit on people!

Sequel Schmequel

You ever notice that there is a bastard sequel stuck in most lengthy franchises? There is fairly often a sequel that doesn't have anything to do with any of the rest of the films in the series. For example, A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2: Freddy's Revenge. That title is misleading. Freddy isn't taking revenge on anyone from the first movie, cause no one from it shows up until part 3. In fact, he "possesses" this kid who does the killing, rather than trying to kill the kids of the parents that burned him alive. Then part 3 pickes up with Nancy, and it continues it's formula of survivor of last film gets killed in next, leave one survivor, repeat. Next, lets look at Halloween 3: Season of the Witch. According to IMDB, the reason this one was different, was because John Carpenter planned to release a new movie each year, with a completely different story. Due to poor box office performance, Michael Meyers was resurrected for part 4. I would believe that i

Nostalgia is Awesome: True Lies

In my opinion, 1994 was one of the best years of cinema featuring many films that I continue to watch frequently. There were event films like the (overrated) Forrest Gump, summer popcorn movies like Speed, sequels that no one else seemed to like such as New Nightmare, as well as many others. One film that has withstood the test of time for effective filmmaking is True Lies . Originally, I was going to write about how Tia Carrere seemed to drop off the face of the earth as she is especially good in this film. But then I looked at her IMDb page and was surprised she has actually been in quite a few projects, several unfortunately only showcasing her vocal talents. But as I continued watching, I remembered this is a kickass movie.

News Roundup: 12/1/09

Summit Pictures To Distend TWILIGHT: BREAKING DAWN! Will they call the second part "Breaking Dawn 2: Electric Boogalo"? Paul Greengrass Quits 'Bourne 4'? Well that sucks. Even if the camera work induces seizures and vomiting, Supremacy and Ultimatum were awesome. And not just because of Joan Allen either. ClearPlay introduces first content filtering 1080p upscaling DVD player I'm confused. Is this marketed to parents who are just too selfish to watch family-friendly movies or those who are too lazy to actually do something other than watch TV with their kids.

"Who You Gonna Call?" "Uh, Let Me Get Back To You On That."

Ghostbusters 3 . Let's make this happen. I want this to happen so bad, that I would cross the streams. Well, what's the hold up? Well, for one, Rick Moranis won't do it . Also, Sigourney Weaver keeps flip flopping (see Rick Moranis link). And as you can see, via the same link again, appranently, there is no confirmed director, either. Here , however is an interview with Ernie Hudson with a bit of info in it, stating that Ivan Riteman has confirmed it will happen and mentions when shooting will begin and when the movie will be out. I love this franchise, even with the second one being stricken with the Weekend at Bernie's Effect . While I have read some interesting and even good ideas for what the 3rd one should be about, I will not weigh in with my opinion on that. I will leave that to the professionals. I can say that I would rather not see "new ghostbusters" being handed the keys, as it were, but I understand that people are older. So if it has to be done th

Remake of a Remake of a Sequel of a Novel of a ...

I give up. Hollywood seems to be determined to weed out any original thought or story for the prospect of something that may yield a large box office take. Word is that Dimension Films is planning a remake to the remake of the 1979 original Amityville Horror . This movie not only spawned other haunted house rip offs but also several sequels in addition to its aforementioned remake . It would seem that the window to remake a film is shrinking rapidly, much like the theater-to-home video window did as DVD gained acceptance. With the exception of new versions of previous foreign language films, an acceptable timeframe to remake a film was between 20 and 30 years if not more. The original zombie film took 22 years to be remade into color. One of my favorites, The Thing was a quasi-remake of a film 31 years previously. At that rate, the National Lampoon's Vacation series, Lethal Weapon, and the Police Academy series are all overdue for reboot city. But wait! Why wait 20 years fo

"I'm Going to Set the Building on Fire."

Stephen Root is hilarious. You probably do not know his name, but you have seen him before, or at least heard his voice. Seen here, he is Milton Waddams in Office Space, possibly one of the funniest movies ever, definitely not suffering from the Weekend at Bernie's Effect . It was based on a Satruday Night Live animated short of the same name, created by Mike Judge. The SNL short actually focused on the Milton character, whereas the movie had him as more a supporting character in a few scenes to break up the hilarity with more hilarity. Speaking of Mike Judge, Stephen Root is also on King of the Hill as Bill, also created by Mike Judge (and Greg Daniels of the Simpsons). He has been in almost everything from Ghost to Seinfeld ("I think it's pine."). You will no doubt remember him from News Radio , as Jimmy James. I did not start watching News Radio until it had been on for a while, but I found it really funny. I mean, look at the cast: Andy Dick, Dave Foley, Phil Ha

MSNBC Readers Are Morons

Now, I understand opinions are subjective. What I like, you may not. That's fine as everyone is entitled to their own dumbass opinion. With a lame attempt to tie into Thanksgiving, MSNBC gives us their readers' choices of movies that are "real turkeys." Pulp Fiction!?! Blair Witch Project!?! These two films, whether you like them or not, are two very influential and important films of the 90s. While neither would be on my top 10 list for Best Movies Ever, it seems rather egregious to couple them with such dreck as Battlefield Earth and Showgirls. Even Battlefield, the cinematic equivalent to diarrhea, doesn't even rank on IMDb's Bottom 100 Films , a list comprised of internet participants I trust much more than those of a cable news network. Have these people not seen the horror of film on an average episode of MST3K? Or the final installment of the Police Academy series? Or Weekend at Bernie's 2 ? Again, I know opinions vary, but these people apparent

A Clarifying Discussion

So I figured that I should, and later confirmed by Puck that it may be a good idea to, explain something about me. I HAVE AN UNNATURAL OBSESSION WITH WEEKEND AT BERNIE'S. I should first say that I realize that this movie is complete garbage and in no way aesthetically redeeming. Though I am a lover of fine cinema, there is room for fluff in my life, as there is with most people. I have a small collection of these on my DVD shelf. Some examples are: The Gate, Real Men, Joe Dirt, Friday the 13th Parts 5-8. But Weekend at Bernie's is different from the rest. What is it? Is it the hilarious premise of a dead man being passed off as alive for an entire weekend? No. Is it the Lichtenstein in Bernie's house at the Hamptons? Nope. Is it Tawny's fine ass exposed? Well, not entirely. Quite simply it is the pairing of Andrew McCarthy and Johnathan Silverman. Any scene of this movie that has the 2 of them bantering back and forth is some bizarre artwork, much like the aforem