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Random Movie: Breaking Dawn Part 2 (2012)

Written by: Tabitha Johnson

Saying this is the best of the ‘Saga’ isn’t wrong but being the best at an unflattering project is not that big of a compliment. I was not so excited about going to see the film but I placed all my grudges aside. And I was not completely disappointed.

Everyone reprises their roles to get the gang back together one last time. We get to see that Bella is now a vampire, there is a vampire/human hybrid child, and the magnificent vampire council, the Volturi, show up to fight. That is basically what you get with a dash of the Cullens’ globetrotting for witnesses to protect them from the Volturi. I am most impressed how artistically filmed this one is. It is the most beautifully filmed part of the Saga. So yay for that!

In the finale of the Saga is where you get to see Bella (Kristen Stewart) as vampire and Renesmee as a child for the first time. I expected the makeup team to use their magic to change the way Bella looked since she was supposed to be the beautiful goddess version of human Bella. That was what I really anticipated the most because it made up several pages in the novel but I was disappointed because she looked the same just with copious amounts of concealer and powder. With Bella now a vampire she must leave all her human interactions behind, mainly her father Charlie (Billy Burke). The added bonus because of that little fact, Charlie has to be brought into the fold a bit. And attention ladies: we get to see Taylor Lautner one last time without a shirt! Then he turns into the big fuzzy wuzzy to get Charlie to understand there is more to the universe than fishing and Sue Clearwater.

Because of the mystical elements behind her birth, Renesmee ages faster than a normal human child similar to a puppy and how big they grow in a matter of months. Renesmee was a bundle of pixel joy with above average usage of CGI to create the baby and toddler to show evidence that Edward and Bella were her parents as well as having intelligence beyond her short time on earth reflected in her eyes. It is kind of creepy until she progressed enough in age and the actress, Mackenzie Foy, was able to take over the role herself.

I am most surprised that it was Stewart’s performance that stood out the most. I don’t know if someone lit a fire under her but it is such an improvement from her past performances that you would have thought they had replaced her with another actress like they had so many others in the cast. Where she had decided to shine, Pattison’s performance left something to be desired. He wasn’t bad but not as good as prior performances. Some of his lines seem a bit forced as if he was asked to be worse so that Stewart could glow.

The tale continues on throughout looking for witnesses to tell the Volturi that the child is not an immortal, but born of a human woman. The Volturi’s reputation is intimidating and along with confrontations with a few nameless vampires there is enough action and adventure to keep it alive. While waiting for the inevitable confrontation the vampires gather and begin to show off their unique abilities which makes for a more interesting way to pass the time.

To leave without spoilers I have to stop there. There are little surprises that make it easier for newcomers, dedicated cult followers, and those like myself that are in between to enjoy. Overall, this is not a bad movie. There is action, a small dose of romance, supernatural powers and a good twist ending. I laughed inappropriately several times and made other people feel uncomfortable so it was a good night.


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