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Wes Craven Dies But Forever Haunts Our Dreams

According to Hollywood Reporter, Wes Craven has died at the age of 76.

Likely only in stature to John Carpenter, Craven and his work has had a remarkable impact on not only my movie-going experience but life in general.

Beginning with his first feature Last House on the Left, Craven has had the remarkable ability to inspire and horrify viewers for over 40 years. He dreamt our nightmare with A Nightmare on Elm Street. He made slasher films relevant again in his Scream series. He brought to life so many various stories of despair and trouble through voodoo, incarceration, and even robotics.

While admittedly his output has been very hit-or-miss (more miss in his later years), Craven was always held up as a professor of the genre that he helped create. He, and his works, will be sorely missed.

Wes Craven 1939-2016


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