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'Go to Jail? No. You Go Straight To Hell!' Monopoly Movie Says

Ah, Monopoly. American’s favorite pasttime of ruined furniture, hurt feelings, and deep psychological scars is finally (FINALLY!) coming to a multiplex near you. Yes, a real movie of Monopoly.

From Lionsgate’s PR-friendly proclamation, Hasbro and Lionsgate have apparently blackmailed decent-enough writer/director Andrew Niccol into heading the project which will follow a curmudgeonly old man around who forcibly evicts people from their homes and dispatches the into debtor’s prisons for approximately four hours. No, just kidding.

The story centers on a boy from Baltic Avenue who uses both Chance and Community in a quest to make his fortune, taking him on a fun, adventure-filled journey. It’s about making your own luck, what makes you truly rich and, of course, avoiding Jail time!

No word on how Hasbro and Niccol plan to incorporate beauty contests, free parking (yes, it’s a thing!), or damn construction costs into the story to effectively portray the soul-sucking that occurs just after the three hour point.

If there is one thing this project needs, it is Sean Connery coming out of retirement to play Mr. Moneybags (or whatever his damn name is) to verbally abuse the viewers while sending them to Kentucky Avenue or to “Go back three spaces ... to your father’s [censored].”

That would really seal the deal of authenticity.


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